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Maggie's Animals

It's a zoo! Maggie's garden is FULL of wildlife. Gray squirrels, many varieties of birds, rabbits, deer, opossums; even reptiles like...

Uncovering the Sidewalks!

I've been asked if dirt was really "rolled up" to reveal buried sidewalks. Answer: YES! Years of falling leaves, sticks and flowers...

Mystery of Maggie's Sidewalks

Maggie's garden is large, with over 12 intersections of long sidewalks in all directions. Since the book's release, I've learned many...

Book Signing and Reading, + Maggie appearance!

SIGNING and READING! Get your signed copy of "Maggie's Secret Garden" plus hear a reading at 11am on Saturday 9/28 downtown Whiteville....

Welcome to Maggie's Secret Garden!

FOUND! Back yard treasure! Where to even begin?! I'm so excited to share this true story with the world. Stay tuned for pictures and...

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